I'm giving a big thumbs down to new year's resolutions. I have a hard time not crinkling my nose in disapproval whenever anyone starts talking about what this year's "big resolution" will be. I hate everything about them. You start off the new year with it's blind possibilities. 2010 is so last year, and you're eager to put it to bed, and vigorously shake awake the new year that has so much promise. You're full of hope, anticipation for the unknown, and a can-do attitude. Declaring your resolution and hitting January 1st in full stride with your goal of weight loss, exercising more, eating right, or getting more sleep, dangling as your carrot. But when the momentum stops carrying you and the temptations pick up its slack, you stray and fall back into what's comforting for you. Disappointed in yourself for only making it a week or two, and planting that seed of negativity for the next 50 weeks until you're giving the opportunity to start a new year fresh again. Boooo!
I don't know if I've ever stuck with any resolution I've made. Lose weight, work out, eat healthier, decrease the intake of soda, increase the intake of sleep. Fail, fail, fail fail.
The last three years I've changed my out look of "resolutions" to reflect "evolutions", self evolutions to be precise. I'm comfortable with taking an aspect in my life I already do well, and do it better, evolving into a better me. Last year, I started out my 2010, with the goal to not allow others negativity, affect my life in a negative way. Experiencing it for what it is, gravel in it a bit, but take from it how to be a better person, digging sometimes deeper than others for that silver lining, and then reveling in the "thank god I don't suck like you" moment that always come. When I do let things affect me deeper than they should, there is no barrel rolling to the bottom, resolution ruined. Those experiences that have been less appealing are the ones I've learn the most from, growing the most, evolving.
So this year, my New Year's Evolution will help build another area of self, though I feel like I might need to refresh my "have more patients for the people I have the least patients for" aspiration of 2009.
So today the preparations to celebrate the end of 2010 and ringing in 2011 with great friends begin.
2011 is going to be a great year!
2011 is going to be a great year!