So when my parents bravely offered to take all three children for an overnight, leaving me with 27 sold, kid free hours, oh the things I can do and I did! I was like a manic monkey powered by cocaine laced coffee. The laundry baskets no longer lingered at the side of my bed, full of clothes that had a better chance of being worn before put away in their proper places. Dished were neatly filed into their positions in the dishwasher, nestling in until it was their time to be cleaned, rather than, grappling for room in a hurried attempt to get cleaned before their next run around. I even returned all the leftover plastic shopping bags that somehow overrun the spare cupboard even though I use reusable totes.
And it didn't stop there...
I was able to enjoy the stress free experience of taking some pictures of a friend's Grandson.... (thanks again Penny)....

Feeling the rush of adrenaline while riding the wave of accomplishment, I tackled the much needed, make look "less-hand-me-down" room make-over for Miss Josephine Marie's....
Without being concerned with getting anyone else ready, I easily run out to the store, jumped in the shower when it suited me, enjoy my food while it was still hot, and with ease accomplished the larger tasks, of a room make-over.
But as my feet wore a path on my toy free, freshly vacuumed floor, to take a peek out the window to see if Mom was returning with the kids yet, I realized that although this weekend was overly productive with the after taste of an unrestricted attitude in the air, it lacked excitement and allure of everyday unpredictability. And I missed it. Badly.
Jumping into a clean bed was nice. But discovering the kid’s left over crumbs upon climbing in, once the house has become still from the day, is only the day's goodnight gesture of sending me into a pleasant dream with the reminder of the life and excitement that was radiating just hours before and will again tomorrow.
This kid free weekend was greatly appreciated and liberating freedom was enjoyed, but only emphasized how much I welcome and thrive in the ever present state of controlled (and many times uncontrolled) chaos that can only be achieved with the responsibility of taking on the adventure of being outnumbered by my children.
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