When we took a break from driving, merely to eat lunch, pick up Wesley from school, and post a Facebook cry for pumpkin guidance, things were looking bleak… real bleak…
While on our way to a promised plethora of pumpkins, I break screeched as we stumbled upon the mother load. We helped our selves to all that is glorious about picking your perfect pumpkin…
I could carve pumpkins all day long. I find it the most relaxing things to do, and am sorry it's something that only gets participated in, for such a short window of time. One and done.. well except on the Happy Corner Road… Last year, we had three separate nights dedicated to personal pumpkin carving, and then a pumpkin carving party. Though this is the latest we've ever carved pumpkins into the fall, you can bet I will be beetling my way back up to grab some more, so we can end the carving season with a strong finish.
With carving under way, I some how found myself into a pumpkin face off, with Nate. My approach was methodical, clean, and detailed…Nate's was rushed, sloppy, and rather uncreative if you ask me. When left for the kids to declare a victor, the vote was unanimous, in Nate favor. Being the good sport that I am, I easily downgraded his winnings based on the fact that my pumpkin skills are directed to a more sophisticated audience, an audience that apparently is not contained within this household. He some how chalked that one up as a win for him as well and I've not spoken to him since (wait… does that now make it 0-3?!)
We're settling in nicely to a lower gear. We found Wesley asleep under Calvin's bed, and Joey has been up so much during the night, when it's time for me to start the day, she nestles in the rocking chair, to catch a few zzzz's. We'll be cheering Wesley on this weekend at another karate tournament, and I plan on attacking a whole new slew of recipes, next week, I'm diligently gathering on Pinterest (yes, I gave in, it was so tempting… and addicting…you've been warned). We have some halloween crafts lined up, halloween themed events to attend, and of course more pumpkins to carve. I've got some fine tuning to do around the blog, another giveaway lined up, and the fact that our quilt made it's seasonal debut across the living room floor, is a sure sign of great things to come.
Happy Hump Day!
Love the family pic with the pumpkins..
Your naked babies always make me smile!! Love that little cupcake face on Joey too.
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