I can't say whether it's because I'm starting to question if I like the vibrancy the color green offers, more than I like the simplicity and crispness of white.
I'm also unsure if I would diagnose myself as being in a winter rut… or having spring fever….
Anyway you slice it… I want out.
I'm overly thrilled with the fact that it's March… March mean lions and lambs right? I like lambs… I love lambs…Do you honestly believe it's just coincidental that Silents of The Lambs, is my favorite movie? I think not… I see this month association to a farm animal and my movie preference completely relevant.. it's a sure sign, that March is meant to deliver… in a big way… A snow melting, grass growing, bird chirping, lamb grazing, sun warming, all things Spring kind of way… {not a narcissistic, edge of our seat, cannibalistic, kind of way… fortunately, the similarities end with the title's reference to a baby sheep and my love of all the hope that baby symbolizes}
I think it should also be noted that my lethargic attitude toward the weather, may also very well be do to a direct effect of a very lethargic state of Me. I've done myself no favors in attempting to fuel myself properly the last 2 weeks. Nothing but junk has been shoved in this face of mine and now my body is confused in thinking it needs nothing but junk to maintain. So, I've taken the last few days to detox all of those tastily deliciously fat building, grease swimming, fries extra crispy please, bog you down toxins and have been quickly reminded on what a difference it really makes.
Between settling back into my healthily wicked ways and focusing my efforts toward {what I'm optimistically positive is the last mile in an uphill winter battle} those small detailed nonsense productivity tasks, I feel focused. I have had little things on the back burner all winter and the pot is about to boil over. Those tedious thing, that consume more time than anyone is willing to give, for such little visual gratification. The meek details that can easily be put off, until you grudgingly give in. The ideas that are planted with a mere thought, are easily downgraded in level of importance, but grow deep roots when left to burrow.
Before there can be a lamb… There must be a lion… So we're trudging ourselves out of the rut and feeding the fever… putting a spring in our step if you will…
Even though there is a generous amount of built up snow, right outside our door, we're kicking things off all things spring. Nate pulled some awesome seed planters into the hardware store, that he found at the last True Value show. They are an interactive tool, kid geared, promoting growing your own food and healthy eating, while providing a light at the end of the winter tunnel…. In the book of Sam, it's a classic win, win.
These little trays make me so very excited, I want to give two of them away… {Nate doesn't know about his kind donation yet, so if you could just keep this between us that would be great… thankyouverymuch}
{Pizza & Salad were the fan favorites for the Richardson kids}
So all you have to do to enter into the giveaway is go over to the Richardson's Hardware Facebook page {here} and "like" the page… if you already 'like' Richardsons Hardware… share the "Growum" Link to be entered as well…
Don't have Facebook? comment below about how you're bringing your lion into March.
Sunday I'll pick two random winners to have their choice of a Growum tray… simple, yet amazing.
In keeping with March's theme… we're adding a few roars of our own, savagely attacking this month, until we get to our lamb.
Happy Roaring!
1 comment:
Love the new header, Joey is adorable! Also love the body painting!! We are extremely anxious for Spring to arrive!
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