Tonight, I feel like writing, I love the feeling of wanting to write as much as I love the action in itself. I know all too well it can be a fleeting moment when met with realities demands, but right now tempo is ideal.
If you follow me on Facebook, you know I've opened an Etsy shop with products I love making and feel are worth putting the effort into perfecting, for others to enjoy too. If you noticed my new badge to the right and my linked page tab up top, you're now in on the loop as well… if you're reading about these new happening for the first time, than fashionably late suits you well…
I'm excited about it and after launching my site last night, I've become quite taken aback by those of you who have shared the news for me. Such a small unprovoked effort of right clicking the 'share' button on a Facebook statues has made a rather large humbling effect on me. Sincerely, I thank you.
It's funny, because I'm sitting here thinking about how I can explain my motive behind all the things I do... I don't know why I have an overwhelming need to justify my 'pile on plate' tactic to life. More than likely, if it weren't for writing my thoughts into words, in the form of this blog, this isn't something I would ever contemplate as a tactic in life… *shrug*
All I know, is I feel most comfortable when I bite off more than I can chew… I worry, than I work… it's my thing… I guess there is no reason for justification after all.
I have a solo Easter prep day tomorrow that I must get rested for, but before I sign out… to celebrate the opening of my Etsy shop, I want to host this April giveaway with a free six pack All Natural Lip Balm sampler…
I've been offered the opportunity to guest blog on another blog site and I am having great difficulty coming up with a topic to write about… it's a mother/wife/family oriented site that has left the topic up to my choice… Comment below on a topic you think you would like for me to expand on and I will enter you to win the random drawing for the Lip Balm sampler.
{If you've already inputted on Facebook, congrats you've already been automatically entered!}
I look forward to hearing your suggestion…
{how lucky is Nate to come home to this!?}
Love the photo of you holding Calvin. Beautiful!
Miss you.
It doesen't matter the topic... you'll do great just writeing about all the funny events that happen in your every day life! Just be sure you include the photo of you wearing Calvin's undies as a hat and it should be a hit!
Love the new header! It's adorable, almost as adorable as you with the "yunderwear" on your head ;)
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