I've been keeping at a steady pace with both work and play. Despite the obligations that are expected to be accomplished within this day's hours, there's a lack of urgency to them….I like that. A lot.
Life's been tapping into the reserved energy source of Sam, lately. Not to suggest it's all been from a negative syphon, but it's been draining none the less. I've been telling myself that time will naturally be found for it all…pretty sure that's just a coping mechanism on my part, but I'm nestling my reassurance in the idea, for now.
Honestly, I'm my own worst enemy in this sense. When things are a bit too pressing, too real life, too adult, I can't help but counter that all by throwing in some play, mindlessness, and fun…
Example: Last weekend's, last minute, Easter Party.
Example: Last weekend's, last minute, Easter Party.
{Bunny Bait Station: precomposed White Trash Mix with added food coloring colored coconut, raisins, marshmallows and fruity pebble cereal, instead of captain crunch.}
It was great, low key, and right up my alley of releasing a bit of the stress and successfully shifting the focus for a bit...
But now that I'm back to coaching myself, to keep up with the momentum on the less fun, from day to day, I know it's time for me to step it back a bit, assess the pulls, and funnel my focus.
Realigning the balance between responsibilities and rewards, a little more evenly…. or at least favoring in the play.
Happy Thursday.