Because I'm a big believer in the philosophy, if you know something good, share it, I wanted to break down some of my most favorite gifts to give during the holiday season…. one, because they are as equally amazing as they are easy, and two, they have that personal touch of being homemade that I hope loosely translates to say something like, "you're kinda a big deal" or "you're worth my effort" or "here's your salt scrub so quit bugging me for more…" (I'll let a certain someone read between the lines on that last one and follow up by saying, I've got plenty in stock for your less then sparing usage)
Moving on….
Another philosophy of mine…Home made is the best made.. so lip balm was on the 'try-it' list this year and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but …. A-BEEP, A-BEEP… this stuff is amazing…
And although these gifts are easy, you're going to have to bare with me, because I'm not one who goes by measurement per say… I'm kind of a do a little of it all, until you get the result you want.. but I think I've broken down my explanations enough so it shouldn't be too complicating to follow (but please e-mail, Facebook, comment with any question you might have)
I melted equal parts beeswax and sweet almond oil (which was about 2 cups of each) threw in three spoons full of shea butter (which I figure to be about 5 oz)… this is where my measurements start to go by the wayside… after I melted it all together I took a spoon, dipped it in the pan and pulled it out to harden… once it was hard, I would test it with my fingers to see if it was at a consistency to be able to spread on your lips… it wasn't… so I poured in some more almond oil (probably 1/4 cup at a time) until I had the constancy that I liked… Then I took it off of the heat, dumped in about a tablespoon of mandarin essence oil (next time I will put in more) and poured it into little pill containers that I got at the Christmas Tree Shop. Done.
This is by far the best any day indulgent ever..
In a large bowl I poured in equal parts course salt and fine salt, then with one in each hand, I poured equal parts of sweet almond oil and grape seed oil… stirring between each big squeeze until all the salt was coated, not too dry, not too wet… a consistency that when added with a bit of water from your shower or bath, it could easily be used to exfoliate your skin… Then I poured in the amount of essence oil (this year I used mandarin, last year was a batch of lemon, a batch of petiole oil.. I'm sure lavender would be nice too… if you like that kind of smell) I found appealing to smell. Bottled it up in jam mason jars, threw some spare fabric on top. Done.
My friend Rachel calls this, kitchen sink chex mix… which makes me laugh every year she reminds me this is what she calls it and I don't know why I can't remember this name myself, because I'm sure that would be a better name for it… but for now… we will go with the politically incorrect white trash route…
I used, a bag of pretzels, a bag of M&M's (this year I used peanut M&M's), equal parts honey nut cheerios, captain crunch, corn chex cereal, wheat chex cereal, after you've melted a bag of white chocolate chips stir in enough veggie oil until it's not as shiny as before, but has a more dull look to it (how is that for technical talk) pour over cereal mix and coat it all well, spread over wax paper. After it's dry, break it all up, put into zip lock bags, christmas boxes, or directly into your mouth. Done.
Our friend Clay, told me that it taste just like our home… which, hands down, was the most flattering and heart warming complement ever.
This is a recipe that came about after I tried to duplicate a friends chocolate roll recipe and failed at mimicking her delicious creation, but ended up with one of my own…
In a pan, I melt a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips… then add enough oil, until it has that 'shine less look to it' spread the melted chocolate onto wax paper, let it harden a bit… this is where living in Norther Maine, mid December pays off, because you can throw it outside long enough for the chocolate to set.. but keep an eye on your neighbor's dogs, who always find their way on to your porch at the precise moment you've forgotten the chocolate is out there…
While the chocolate is setting, pour 1/4 cup of melted butter over about 2 cups of peanut butter, us your electric mixer to blend it all, then pour in powdered sugar until you've got a peanut butter mixture worth sending a cell phone picture of to your husband at work about… sometimes I find myself adding more butter to the mix as well, there is a lot of tasting going on at the point… you're welcome…
Spread PB over chocolate, use wax paper to roll it over on itself and then cut into little slices. Done and done.
{Our 'happy it's time to taste test' face}
{A snuck in finger swipe, when I was momentarily distracted by Words With Friends}
{Sister's 'back off my chocolate' look… she gets that from her grandmothers}
Honestly, these couldn't be any simpler, yet more overly rewarding… I love making them all, but love giving them away even more…
Back tomorrow, with our weekend round up...
Wow... what amazing photos!
you have such adorable boys. I love your Blog. Will see if I can find the spot on this page to follow you.
This post has been my guiding star for Christmas gifts this year! Thank you so much!
Question: if my first batch of lip balm came out too hard, what can i do different next time? did you run in to that problem?
At more oil Catie!
Add.. not at!
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