**Please excuse the second song to scream through your speakers… Calvin insisted 'IT"S NOT FAIR' if he doesn't have a song he picks play too**
I haven't really allow myself to have the thought of Wesley turning 9 years old settle. In fact, I've gone out of my way to bury myself in birthday party preparations, with all thought of other busy work on stand by, as equally effective distractions. Sitting down tonight to recap this weekend, is bringing the subject of Wesley's last year in a single digit age, front and center.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I like the fact that the first boy I ever truly feel in love with, is growing too quickly. And there really isn't anything I wouldn't do, to have him as that blue eyed, bald headed, happy go lucky baby for the chance to be able to go back, and savor all, that was baby about him, in a more aware way, but I can honestly say, I've caught myself off guard at how much I love all of what having a 9 year old boy in our house brings.
I resisted his growing up, a lot…. and I mean… a lot… a lot…the last year and it cause friction between us all... since I've accepted the fact that there is no sense of holding back, something that's inevitably moving forward, I've be able to indulge in all that is great about having a world curious, emotionally conscious, and independent gaining boy.
{Funny I have this picture of Calvin this year…}

{This is what I got from Calvin, last year…}
Conversations have made a shift, from simple questions, with simple answers, to aware questions, with straight forward answers, followed by expression of opinions, views, and effects. An unexpected pleasure.
And in my attempts of building layers of independence, I tried to find a balance of responsibility and reward, by handed over most of the creative control on how his birthday party would unfold. Things needed to be colored, ideas presented, decisions made, and Wesley had the final say on it all, from turning balloons into Dementors and ghosts, flavors assigned to every flavor jelly beans, down to what flavor frosting, went onto what flavor cupcake.
And when extra-ordinary great friends did, what extra-ordinary great friends do, Wesley labeled his party, "officially the best birthday party ever" ……
And I have to agree with him, I can't stop this whole growing up thing, or even slow it down, but I can only hope to welcoming all that this experience as a mother brings with more ease than resistance…
Whatever the new age, may be...
********************************************************Giveaway Winner Announce!**************************************************************
I love love loved all the comments, but even more I loved the seeds of tradition, and will be stealing a few of them for myself. I wont postpone announcing the winner much longer, but I wanted to thank Beverly, from Second Sanctuary, so much for offering this quilt as this month giveaway… I can't even express how happy it makes me to offer someone else a chance to enjoy a quilt our family loves so much! So… without further ado the winner is……
Becky B. (eeecks!) with tradition comment, "Like other comments we also do the PJ's on Christmas Eve thing, but one of my other most favorite traditions, is when Santa leaves an extra present in the kids seats in the van, for when we leave to go to church in the morning."
Becky please send your mailing information to me at samantharichardson83@gmail.com and I will make sure to pass it on to, Second Sanctuary! I'm SOO excited for you!!!
Must agree with Wesley, pretty cool party! Good job Mom!
Good times... good times!
I just discovered your blog yesterday and it is so fun to read. I showed my girls some of the pics and they loved it ! Happy Birthday to your son....looks like he had a fabulous time !
Thanks for the birthday wishes for Wesley Teresa… he had a really great time! I'm glad you're enjoying the blog, because I really love writing on it! I hope you have a great weekend and where you're reading from is warmer then here!!! :)
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